Thursday, December 11, 2008
Videos of Tiruvannamalai temple, deepam, mountain, girivalam,
Pictures Of thiruvannamalai
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Tiruvannamalai Girivalam Meaning of Pradakshina
Meaning of Pradakshina (Circumambulation): |
PRA – rooting out sins |
DA – granting desires |
KSHI – obliterating the fruits of Karma |
NA – bestowing liberation. |
Even Lord Shiva Himself circumambulates Arunadri, the div5nely efflugent Linga in the company of ganas, devas, rishis at the time of the which the holy season of uttarayana commenses is an auspicious day for men. |
When the Goddess Gowri requested sage Gowthama to kindly explain to her the greatness of the festival of light at Arunachala at Tiruvannamalai he described the glorly, which liberates people from all sins and bestows all prosperity. In the month of Karthika, on the day of the star Kritika during pradosha (13th day counting from new moon / full moon) the fortunate ones who perform giri prada2shina are not born again. All Karmas are destroyed on performance of circumambulation. It is customary to circumambulate the Hill for a mandala i.e forty days. One who is not able to do this may perform giri pradakshina atleast for eleven days. If even this is not possible, the one should go round the Hill on the day of the Deepam. This is equivalent to performing crores of yagnas. He who worships the Deepam lit atop the Hill derives countless blessings. A person residing elsewhere may light lamps in front of any shrine of Siva, a top his temple towers along peaks of other hills and he will be blessed. The mere lightning of the lamp on this day with any type of oil available confers great merit on them. A Complete Information Website about Tiruvannamalai. for more details Pictures, Videos Visit |
Tiruvannamalai going girivalam
Circumambulating Arunachala: |
This holy pilgrimage at Tiruvannamalai is as ancient as of the 16th Century. The temple at Tiruvannamalai was well-known to us by 1845 itself. The glory of Arunachala, Lord Shiva is very enthusiastic as it is pertained to the universe, Supreme power whose darshan make our janmam Sarthakam. |
Lord Shiva himself is told Gautama about how and when the devotees have to circumambulate the sacred hill. He has told that, He is abided gloriously on Earth as Arunachala all the devatas, munis circumambulate them. At every step that one takes on the path, round Him all the Sins committed in one's past lives are expiated. By circumambulating the sacred hill, one obtains the merit of performing thousands of horse sacrifices innumerable vajapayas, bathing in all the tirthas. Medidating on this great Lingam one should circumambulate it slowly. One will not be born again and will certainly become eternally one with Lord Shiva. At every point one should meditate and being the palms together in praise and reverence. One should walk carefully, slowly and noiselessly. Before setting out a bath should be taken clean clothes should be put on, sacred ash applied on the body and rudraksha beads worn. While circumambulating one should meditate on Shiva. Thousands of invinsible manus, devtas siddhapurushas others accompany a devotee who circumumbulates in this manner. One may walk in the company of devotees singing the sacred names of Siva and dances. This hill is incomprehensible being beyond speech and thought. It is unapproachable, being a mass of fire. It is the absolute and therefore called the Supreme. One should remember the Siva in the heart with love and devotion while circumambulating. |
A devotee who circumambulates the Hill on a Sunday penetrates the region of the Sun and attains liberation. He gains the world of Siva. He who circumambulates the Hill on a Monday lives free from the afflictions of old age and death. He who circumambulates the Hill on a Tuesday is released from all debts and becomes an emperor. If Pradakshina is done on Wednesday he becomes omniscient and wise. On Thursday he is worshipped by all the devas and attains fame as a guru. Circumambulating on a Friday brings prosperity and takes him to the abode of Vishnu, a Saturday Pradakshina brings worldly success and averts the ill-effects threatened by the planets in one's horoscope. If those who suffer from physical and mental ailments, as well as those who are weak and emaciated, circumambulate Him, their ailments are cured. A Complete Information Website about Tiruvannamalai. for more details Pictures, Videos Visit |
Going around the Mountain (Girivalam):
Going around the Mountain (Girivalam): |
Arunachala is a manifestation of the God wearing the crescent moon upon his head who is lord shiva himself. The manifestation of sambhu in ancient times appeared as a column of fire in order to settle a dispute between Brahma and Vishnu. Both became haughty and once argued as to who was the Superior of the two. The dispute led to the danger of disruption. To resolve the dispute the two gods, lord Shiva appeared as a column of fire and make the two realize their folly. Both the Brahma and Vishnu set out to find bottom and top of fire effulgent, but could not find. Their ego – sense completely destroyed in the effort they became humble and pious. Then the Omnipresent Being who transcends space and time, the Sambhu (i.e Shiva), told them he had taken this form to solve the dispute and make them know who the actual superior was. On the request of Brahma and Vishnu, Lord Shiva took the form of a Hill, “Girivalam” which inturn looks like the shape of lingam, by withdrawing the blazing effulgence and abide as the lingam with the name of Arunachala for the welfare of the world. Lord Shiva said that he will remain back in the form what they requested for. And also told let those who worship the Linga attain prosperity and Liberation. Worshipping the Arunachala Hill with a tranquil mind expiates our sins and regain our position in life, wishes get fulfilled. |
The Sun god abides on eastern side of the hill, Visvamitra on southern side, Varuna on the Western side, Trisula on northern side, On northern slope, a banyan tree throws shade all around. The great Shiva abide under it in the form of Siddhapurasha (Shiva). There are eight lingas at eight cardinal points round the hill. The holy river Sona flows near as a clear stream. The people circumambulate the hill, take a bath, put on clean clothes smears the body with sacred ash and put a garland of rudraksha beads. One should walk slowly with a serene mind remembering Siva all the time. Going round the mountain, one can attain liberation there through gifts, austerities, Sacrifices and worship. The Culmination of the festival occurs two days later, when the deities are carried around the holy hill in magnificent borne palanquins on the shoulders of Male devotees. Along the fourteen kilometer long road there are, at intervals, sacred tanks, small shrines and scared resting places where the Gods will stop to bestow blessings and receive offerings offered by the devotees. The procession always starts from the eastern Gopuram with lord music from big trumpets. Drummers dominate the group for the way, then the dances from the temple who express in their rhythmical way and do accompany only part of the way. The procession itself keeps moving forward to the sound of the drummers and chanting of the devotees. On the way pilgrims and local residents stop the procession near shrines of near their houses to offer flowers, betel, bananas sugar candy. The priests place these gifts on a tray illuminated by a small camphor flame before offering them to the Gods. They even have meals and rest for the strength to continue the day long procession. The sacred resting places are called "Mandapams" with three enclosed sides and a wide opening in the front. Arriving on these the deities are placed in the middle, fruits, flower garlands, fine dhotis and costly sarees, and rose water to refresh the Gods. The priests unfold the clothes and drape them over the dieties on their return they will store them in the temple. The devotees who have made the offerings receive as prasadam along with sacred ash. As night sets in the procession returns to the temple. The going around the sacred hill on a normal poornima is also very sacred. But for once in life times going on a Karthikai Deepam day is equal to whole life going round the hill on every po6rnima day. This will surely bless us, by the Lord Shiva, for the salvation and make our janma “punya". A Complete Information Website about Tiruvannamalai. for more details Pictures, Videos Visit |
Tiruvannamalai Grand Celebrations of Festival, Karthikai Deepam
The Grand Celebrations of Festival, Karthikai Deepam: |
The festival of Karthikai Deepam is a great religious festival of the lunar month of Karthikai which is between November-December. The celebration of the Karthikai Deepam is very important for Tiruvannamalai as per the legend, Shiva manifested Himself in the form of a column of fire which for the sake of mankind. He later transformed into the sacred Hill Arunachala. The hill is still worshipped as a manifestation of Shiva and the Karthikai Deepam Festival has been held from time immemorial to commemorate this event. For ten days, numerous ceremonies take place in temple and in the town also. On the tenth day, when the constellation of Karthikai is in conjunction with the full moon, the fetival reaches its climax and the Holy Beacon is lit on the summit of the hill. |
The buzzing crowd of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world swarm in the courtyards to ardently fellow the worship performed in various shines of Shiva, Parvati, Ganesha, Muruga. The people follow the deities as they are taken out and carried in procession with great pomp and show with lightings, dance, Music, Chanting, doing artist and poojas and mainly decorate the shrines with good clothing, costly jewellery loving and charming flower work of garlands and carry the shrine in great grand and lofty chariots. On there occasions only the heads and hands emerge from the shimmering skills and glorious flowers that the deities are draped in. One can be dazzled by the incredible sumptuousness of the gold and precious stone jewellery with which they are adorned. One can inhale the fragrance of the huge garlands decorating them and the healthy aroma of the camphor and incense that are being burnt everywhere in their honor. And lastly, one can thrill to the vibrant music of the oboes and drums which accompany all the ceremonies. Thus, this festival takes place every year and is more or less unchanged inspite of the centuries. A Complete Information Website about Tiruvannamalai. for more details Pictures, Videos Visit |
Tiruvannamalai Temple Dance
Temple Dance
The sacred dance as a religious ceremony is attributed to the gods. It is well liked by the Gods also. The South India is well known for the temples tradition, music, poojas and dance also. Among them, well known and familiar dance of South India is "Bharatatanatyam". Lord Shiva himself is well known as, a great dance performer a scholar and is called under the name of Nataraja. It is said that Goddess Parvathi taught this art to humans. The temples of South India have had great dancers from century to century in the temples to which they belong. Like that those great dancers, the temple of Tiruvannamalai also had one great devadasi a servant of God. Her name was Nalini. She was dedicated to God of this temple at the time of birth by her family to the service of Lord Shiva. Since the age of six for more than seven years, he was taught and trained in the ultimate techniques of attitudes and gestures, which had a very perfect precise meaning. She had learnt to read and write and had studied the religious tests which provide the inspiration for her dances. She was educated, which was a quiet a big thing for the girls in 1845. The tapping of her bare feet on the ground and the tinkling of small bells adorning her ankles set the rhythm of the skillful play of her gestures and poses. Nalini could express all the nuances of the story she was telling with her body. She was really a great dancer of the temple at tiruvannamalai
A Complete Information Website about Tiruvannamalai.
for more details Pictures, Videos
Tiruvannamalai Temple Daily Life and activities:
Temple Daily Life and activities: |
This big temple symbolises a religious locality of a city inside. People keep moving on their work from here to there within the courtyards and buildings inside the temple. The people inside the temple performing Godly, work and duties are always a "Hindu a Brahmin” who has the right to nomad anywhere, anyhow, anytime. These people are mainly at the work of performing duties to God, cooking food, cleaning Singing for God, decorating the God etc. many things wordless to say indeed. Others are the devotees who go to pray, meditate or even rest for peace and even abide themselves to the service of God. |
We can also see an "Elephant" which is sacred stays within his mahout under the pavilion supported by columns near the hundred pillared hall. He gives his blessings by placing its trunk over the heads of the devotees who, in turn given him an offering as a coin or some eatables to eat. |
The people associated to the temple are all Brahmins. The men are of high caste with a dhoti and a "Sacred thread" across their chest over left shoulder. Only they have the rights to perform the rites. These men pass on the knowledge and responsibilities to their sons as they are married. |
The daily evenings the mahout washes the elephant with the help of other temple servants near a well in the fifth courtyard. The people who come to pray can also can also rest and have meal in the third courtyard or anywhere else after this courtyard. There is a Brahma tank after the Long chain of steps which leads to this purifying tank where devotees perform their ablutions. The shaving of men's and women’s head is done by barber in the fifth courtyard. The shaving of head is said to be an offering to God. There is regular worship, pooja four times a day. Food and flame offering are made through the priest, who is well known of the mantras and officiates at the statue. The ceremonies are numerous which takes place according the lunar calendar and even performed at the request of devotees. The devotees who pay special offering or offer absishekams, pujas are always accompanied with music called 'Maryadham" by the temple musicians and also is blessed by the priest with vibuti and a big garland of "Lord Shiva" after the darshanam. A Complete Information Website about Tiruvannamalai. for more details Pictures, Videos Visit |
Inside and outside of the temple Tiruvannamalai Arunachaleshwarar
Inside and outside of the temple
The eastern gopuram is the main entrance to the temple inside. The inner most shrine opens to the east and accommodates the main deity, Lord Shiva. The courtyards are counted, starting from the centre. There are said to be seven of them. But it is said five were built, first one disappeared in the course of nine centuries of extensions and alterations the sixth is represented by four "Chariot Streets" around the temple seventh by the road surrounding the hill. The location of the Shrines dedicated to the deities and the buildings used for rituals are strictly laid out so that they are oriented to the east. In the corner of a courtyard, to the Southern-Eastern side are the kitchens where the Brahmins prepare the offerings consisting of cooked food. Trees inside are considered to very scared. The tanks and wells are also sacred which is used for the purification rituals. The inner most shrine called garbha graha, a house of small square room which is cramped to dark insides the sellai, the image of Lord Shiva. It is always in the form of "Lingam". This is an upright stone, square at the bottom, Octagonal in the middle, then cylindrical with a rounded top. The base is embedded in a circular or oval plinth. The devotees watch the worship from the hall in font of it in the form of queque The outside of the temple covered up by many vendors stall holders, florists busy people going round the temple which is said to be "Maada-Veedi", the path around the temple, in which the Lord Shivamoorthi is taken for procession on the festival occasion of Karthikai deepam. So this path around the temple out is said to be sacred for going around which is also equal to going round the mountain as well. This path is indeed blessed and used by Lord Shiva on his procession on the occasions successfully.
A Complete Information Website about Tiruvannamalai.
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The Grand Entrance of the temple Tiruvannamalai (Raja Gopuram):
The Grand Entrance of the temple (Raja Gopuram):
The eastern entrance gopuram is the main entrance of the temple. This tower is situated in the outer wall and this tower dominates the eight other towers which crown the gates made in the walls at the four cardinal points. This gopuram (tower) is 54m high with pyramid shaped made of stucco-coated bricks has massive stone at its base.
A Complete Information Website about Tiruvannamalai.
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Tiruvannamalai Shri Annamalaiyar Temple seen from the hill :
Tiruvannamalai Shri Annamalaiyar Temple seen from the hill : |
The view of the temple from the hill slopes is really contemplating. The courtyards surrounding the central shrine where courtyards built of stone tall gourmands seen very dominatingly and other buildings being scattered in the courtyards under the shade of big trees. The other shrines are also present within this big courtyard. |
The God Shiva is associated with each of the five elements namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether in five different holy places with Tamilnadu. As we already know after hearing the story of how Lord Shiva attained the mountain roopam and enlightened as a dense volume of fire here in Thiruvannamalai. The Lord Shiva is Fire here in Thiruvannamalai. The temple is the result of more than nine centuries of building process. Enlargements and alterations have been succeeded one another, can find the dates of work from the inscriptions engraved on the walls since the 10th century. The engravings tells about kings, donors. It is also said that the actual places of worship of temple was merely a small isolated temple. This temple for over so many years rebuilt and altered many times is the major total part we see now. The courtyards increased as building and started to include new buildings within the existing walls started to get included thus taking many years of construction. The outer area is 465m long and 225 metres wide as per the dating from the 16th Century. The alterations have continued up till now inside the walls and can expect more to come in future also. This temple of Lord Shiva is the holy place for one to attain Salvation and get the full grace of Lord Shiva. The rules over this premises and that is why people from over far distances come in thousands to thousands, year after year to make their janmam punya of this janma. A Complete Information Website about Tiruvannamalai. for more details Pictures, Videos Visit |
Holy Mountain Tiruvannamalai (Annamalaiyar)
Holy Mountain Tiruvannamalai
The story of the Sacred mountain from the ancient times tells us that a quarrel between the Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma depicts the origin of the mountain. Both the creator and preserver of this universe were fighting to claim who is powerful among them. This went on for year and years. The sage Narada also convinced them that neither of the two were powerful nor Supreme. Then, the Lord Shiva made up his mind to show the truth, who is actual Supreme among two. To prove this he took the form of fire which was very big and immense. This fire stood in front of the two and a voice was heard from the fire, which was Lord Shiva himself and told that "Among you two who will first approach the top and bottom of this dazzling fire will be said to be the most powerful forever." Then Brahma, changed himself as a swan and flew up to the sky to reach the top of the Fire and kept flying for hundreds and hundreds of years. But could not reach the top on the other side, Lord Vishnu changed himself as a boar and starting digging down the Earth to find the bottom. Who also did the same thing over couple of years and could not ever find the bottom. Then both of them realized that Lord Shiva, he who is endless without the start nor an end was only the "Superior" among both of them. Their fight had got a conclusion. They came back to Earth and bowed in front of the Shiva, who was in the form of dazzling form of fire and requested to stay in the same form on this Earth and bless the devotees Who is He the actual meaning for the power of creation nor preservation, Lord Shiva agreed to stay in the same form and transformed himself as a mountain. From then, every Karthikai Deepam Festival the column of dense fire comes to the sight on the top of mountain. At Thiruvannamalai this is done on the 10th day of this festival Karthikai Deepam.
A Complete Information Website about Tiruvannamalai.
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History of tiruvannamalai
The ancient religion Temples are of major source of significance for most of the Hindus which centres for religious activity and serve as forcus for social and cultural activities. The history, art and literature of Hindus are always rich of all the other reglions of India. Hindus believe in salvation which is promoted by the blessings of Shiva and Vishnu. A Hindu, believes in Dharma, which is a law that rules human society corrects duties and rebirth of each person as per his deeds. For a Hindu, janmam and Karmam in a caste are the reversible actions and duties, papams (sin) performed in the previous lives. For every good action or duty in this janma, fruits out equal good actions in next janma. This is what is called "Karma". The future birth is decided on the basis of what one is performed lawful, good work, humbleness with the Order and good karmas. He alone escapes from this who attains to final salvation, a state which liberates him from the obligation to be reborn on this earth. Exactly based on these rules and actions of an individual gods also have a different function. Based on the functions they fulfill each take different aspects and names. The gods like to flower those who deserve liberation through their devotion to a diety, or else the diety of their caste or one of their own choice. The Gods also watch over the destruction and the evolution of the worlds. At the very modest level, they are posed to be the caretaker of the Dharma in the Village of that religion or region to be said.
A Complete Information Website about Tiruvannamalai.
for more details Pictures, Videos
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Where to Stay in Tiruvannamalai

9, Ganapathy Nagar,
Chengam Road (Near Girivala Paadhai),
NH 66. Pondy - Bangalore Highway,
ph- 914175-323331

34.polur road
ph- 914175-250005, 6, 7


No. 6,kanakaraya Mudali Street,
(Near Gopal Pillaiyar Koil)
Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
+91 4175 222219, +91 4175 225500

Hotel Arunai Ananda
Chengam Road
Near Girivalam Road Diversion
Travel to Tiruvannamalai
International Travelers route is to come to INDIA and can take any of theses Major cities like Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai. But coming to chennai is very close to Tiruvannamalai.

What is Tiruvannamalai and where is it
Thiruvannamalai lord arunachaleswar sthalam is one of the most excellent places in Tamil Nadu, India. In olden period the name "Annamalai" means a inaccessible hill. The word "Tiru" was preassigned to tell the greatness, and followed with the two forms, it is know as Tiruvannamalai. and also it is one of the main place called fire sthalam (agni sthalam) in pancha sthalams.
Its in Asia, India, Tamilnadu Thiruvannamalai 185 kms From (Chennai capital of Tamil nadu) in chennai there is a international Airport located from there by bus travel takes around 4 hours and if by car it takes only 3 hours more sufficent and easy travels are available