Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tiruvannamalai Girivalam Meaning of Pradakshina

Meaning of Pradakshina (Circumambulation):

PRA – rooting out sins

DA – granting desires

KSHI – obliterating the fruits of Karma

NA – bestowing liberation.

Even Lord Shiva Himself circumambulates Arunadri, the div5nely efflugent Linga in the company of ganas, devas, rishis at the time of the which the holy season of uttarayana commenses is an auspicious day for men.

When the Goddess Gowri requested sage Gowthama to kindly explain to her the greatness of the festival of light at Arunachala at Tiruvannamalai he described the glorly, which liberates people from all sins and bestows all prosperity. In the month of Karthika, on the day of the star Kritika during pradosha (13th day counting from new moon / full moon) the fortunate ones who perform giri prada2shina are not born again. All Karmas are destroyed on performance of circumambulation. It is customary to circumambulate the Hill for a mandala i.e forty days. One who is not able to do this may perform giri pradakshina atleast for eleven days. If even this is not possible, the one should go round the Hill on the day of the Deepam. This is equivalent to performing crores of yagnas. He who worships the Deepam lit atop the Hill derives countless blessings. A person residing elsewhere may light lamps in front of any shrine of Siva, a top his temple towers along peaks of other hills and he will be blessed. The mere lightning of the lamp on this day with any type of oil available confers great merit on them.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Keep Posting More